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DataGrip 2023.3.3

JetBrains DataGrip is a tool created specifically for SQL developers, allowing you to conveniently work with various databases. The solution offers all the necessary tools such as navigation, autocomplete and code analysis, refactoring, version control and much more.

Smart Query Console

Run queries in different modes: normal or read-only. The console stores the history of queries, keyboard input and is saved automatically.

Navigation through the database

Find any objects by typing the name in the search box. Jump from an SQL script to an object’s source code or data.

Query Planner

Choosing a convenient planner: tree or graphic. Analyze the effectiveness of your requests.

Smart code completion

Autocompletion understands context: it suggests keywords or objects depending on what is appropriate in a particular place in the code. It takes into account foreign keys, object structure, and even objects created in the same script.

Code analysis and hints

DataGrip finds problems in queries and offers to fix them automatically.


DataGrip understands which objects are involved in the script. When a user renames an alias or variable, it will be renamed in all places where it is used. If desired, the names of objects will change in the database itself if they are renamed in the request. It will be clear in what procedures or functions they are used. In this case, the source code of these procedures will also change.

Support for version control systems

DataGrip supports Git, SVN, Mercurial and other version control systems.


direct download link for ARM version

direct download link for Intel version

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